Barcelona 2-0 Man Utd Highlights

Barcelona outclass Man Utd to win 2-0 and lift the Champions League trophy at Rome’s Stadio Olimpico.

1-0 S.Eto’o  10′

2-0 Messi


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33 Responses

  1. prince says:

    i otoo and messi iniesta henly and otheres thank u i love u all

  2. Feng Tomoyo says:

    it is true tat barca played well than mu, but before the first goal was made by eto, the match was totally under the control by mu, damn eto!!
    anyways, i believe mu will make a comeback in the next champions league…

  3. barcaaaa says:

    barcelona ftwwwwwww

    eto n messiiiiiiiiiiiii

    man utd sh*tzzzzz

  4. Man Utd even if we get relegated says:

    Come on Man Utd… See you haters next season (We are still the best, we didn’t need another title to prove it)

  5. My Amazing Weight Loss Story says:

    Thanks for writing, I very much enjoyed reading your latest post. I think you should post more frequently, you obviously have talent for blogging!

  6. Anonymous says:

    ronaldo big plyer and manutd very bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbiggggggggg team

  7. Anonymous says:

    Chelsea deserve to be out of europe because they only know how to park bus, cry and threaten referees. Barca deserve to be champion and chelsea will never win UCL….

  8. What says:

    I lost thousand pounds in Man U game

  9. alfa says:

    holy c**p what have feguson DONE!!!!!
    He tried to play a Chelsea. WHICH FAILED MISERABLY.

    Chelsea deseved to pawn them flat.
    and United just screwed up with formation while playing BARCA.

    guess we have to blame Tom Henning Øvrebø

  10. Anonymous says:

    barcalona for ever

  11. CFC says:

    Critiano Ronoldo really s*cks in big games and against big teams!!!
    Messi always rocks… except against Chelsea 🙂

  12. lolz says:

    man utd s*ck so hard, ‘bathelona’ were always going to win that one

  13. bashka says:

    yessssssssssssss that is what i want barca s*ck man united, you did good job barca

  14. haehideung says:

    THIS are the CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

  15. Moff17 says:

    Look who’s talking now eh…Barca Barca…MU fan needs to keep their head down

  16. ronaldo fan says:

    Cant believe MAN UTD lost to f**king Barcelona!! I guess every dog has its day eh? Well Ronaldo and Rooney were not playing on top form, so what could we expect? Damn that little midget called Messi…and that Eto’o fella…but i will congratulate Barca on their CL win, they played better than us…do u know how hard it is for a loyal Man Utd fan to say this? It kills me…my heart is shattered!

  17. sakhi idriss says:

    barça is the best team in the world…messi is the best more than ronaldo …he will be the first….i am verry happy because barça is the champion….cool
    j ss tres fiere d’encorager mon mervielleu equipe barca …..barça 2/man united 0

  18. catalan_man says:

    Even Sir Feguson said it “If you give them the ball, they can have it all night.” What makes Barca great isn’t cuz Messi is good or doesn’t have enough goals like CR7, but mainly cuz Barca is a strong offensive team and they attack collectively.

    Most importantly, it is quite hard to get possession of the ball against a team like Barca who all they do all day is pass this ball like it’s a piece of cake everyone needs to eat. They make these small small passes that makes it hard to tell who to follow or where the pressure will come from at any point in time.

    This is soccer. This is how it is done. This is Football. This is 2009. This is the Best Team in Europe rightnow.

  19. Anonymous says:

    look who won lol

  20. get-back-to-school says:

    i think all the posters on here should learn how to speak english when the get back to school for god sake grow up ( barsa s*cks ,man u s*ck the dog ) no wonder you have no jobs and are losers grow up and get some balls .

  21. Anonymous says:

    barcelona for life man ui s*ck dick

  22. Anonymous says:

    Man utd s*cks

  23. Man Utd Fan says:

    WOOHOOO!!!! Thank u barcelona, u trashed man utd though i dont support barca either. Man utd s*ck the dog man!!! thats what they get for being arrogant!!! Man utd are idiots, they play so hard just to reached the finals and win but u know what……..they reached the finals and played like sh*t, hahahahaha! and once again my heartfelt thanks to barcelona for giving the world a beatiful victory over a hated club!!

  24. rockstar says:

    barca f**ked man u ……………………………..hey lets hv a party ………………………..messi rocks again

  25. FrEaK13 says:

    hAil MANU!!!!.. who cares if they won’t win?.. they won anyway last year and the premiere league..give chance to others.. duh?!

  26. Anonymous says:

    omg.. still barca s*cksss..whiever wins,, im still loyal for manu.they have proven enough

  27. izo says:

    let also barca make a record in spain
    of winning three trophies

  28. Anonymous says:

    LOL MANU WIN?! ya, win second medals =/

  29. jjooga bonny says:

    man-u is going to win barca   2-1

  30. I Lost Thirty Pounds in Thirty Days says:

    Nice Post, Thanks.

  31. Chin says:

    Barca s*ck

    They should not win my Chelsea.

    Man-U should be the winner

  32. Mac says:

    manutd should win
    bcoz barca s*cks
    i hate barca the most
    even worst than manutd

  33. FengTomoyo says:

    MU SURE WIN!!!!

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