Man Utd 1-0 Arsenal Highlights

Manchester United dominate Arsenal in their Champions League semi-final first leg but have to settle for a 1-0 win.

Watch Manchester United Vs Arsenal highlights here.

1-0 J.O’Shea 17′

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14 Responses

  1. FootballGuru09 says:

    1st legs:

    Barcelona 0-0 Chelsea
    Manchester United 1-0 Arsenal

    2nd legs:

    Chelsea 1-2 Barcelona
    Arsenal 2-0 Manchester United


    Arsenal 2-2 Barcelona (AET 3-3, Pens – 7-6)

  2. asnl1 says:

    go s*ck ur moms u man u fans. arsenal guna thrash manure at the emirates

  3. ipoenk says:

    cayooo……man U……man U….??? your it’s the best……

  4. Anonymous says:

    any links for hd full match highlights??

  5. bitchassmofo says:

    man f**k all u cunts !
    Gunners are gonna take it for shure this year !

  6. Anonymous says:

    man u man u man u

  7. Zac says:

    Nah I Reckon A Defenite United – Barcelona CL Final… The Only Opportunities That Chelsea Had Were From Barca Defensive Stuff Ups Which Should Be Fixed In The Second Leg… GLORY GLORY!!!

  8. hnin says:

    later, we win
    every time , mu is top of everygame

  9. Rooney_10 says:

    Man u r guuna win the cl again and the premier leauge then we will be level with liverpool go MU

  10. Humza says:

    unfair, but chelsea man utd final again becuz chelsea will beat barce 3-2 at stamford bridge

  11. Anonymous says:

    we won!

  12. EDEN says:

    by all means wazza has to give arsenal fc a short ,very shortly we hope to see tears from the gunnars they will be short 4 goals on 1

  13. juklj says:


  1. May 5, 2009

    […] First Leg Result: Man Utd 1-0 Arsenal […]

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